Your body is composed of about 60% water, which means that you need to consume a lot of water to stay healthy and keep the cells in your body functioning. Some water is contaminated with high levels of calcium and magnesium, and this water is referred to as hard water. The best way to manage hard water is by investing a home water treatment system, which works by removing the contaminants from your water. A reverse osmosis water softener works by filtering your water to increase the purity. Whatever well water treatment system you choose, once you have treated your hard water, it’s important to make sure you’re drinking enough. Here’s a list of the top benefits of drinking purified water.
1. Clear skin
Drinking water improves your skin, because like every part of your body, your skin requires a lot of hydration to stay healthy and clear. You’ll be surprised at the benefits you see after just a few days of increasing your water intake.
2. GI health
Staying hydrated keeps things flowing in your GI tract and can be helpful in preventing constipation, so drink some purified water if you’re having GI issues.
3. Gain energy
Your brain is the powerhouse of your body and it needs water to function correctly. You’ll be more alert and aware when you’re drinking enough water.
4. Weight control
Lots of times when you feel hungry or you get a craving for a chocolate bar, you’re actually thirsty and your body is telling you to drink. Drinking more water can fill you up and help you lose weight.
5. Boost productivity
You’ll be more productive if you’re drinking water because your overall health will be improved and you will be ready to get things done.
6. Immune system
The benefits to your immune system are numerous — your immune cells that fight infection need water to work correctly, so if you’re feeling a cold coming on, drink some soup broth or some iced tea to get hydrated.
7. Fewer headaches
Dehydration can cause unpleasant headaches that are painful and disruptive to your day. When you get a headache, your first response should be to drink some water, because that may resolve the problem.
8. Frizz control
Rinsing your hair with purified water, like the water that has passed through a water filtration system, can improve the look and feel of your hair. If you’re concerned with the health of your hair, it’s a good idea to make sure the water you wash it with is purified, in other words, don’t expose yourself to hard water.
9. Regulate body temperature
Because your cells require so much water, your health and body temperature will fluctuate less when you drink enough. If you find yourself experiencing unwanted changes in body temperature, drink more water and you will probably feel better.
10. Improve alertness
All of the factors outlined above add up to this final benefit — when you’re healthy and feeling strong, you can fight illness and stay alert. You’ll be ready to attack the day and live your life to the fullest when you’re well hydrated.
Do you have any advice on how to choose a water softener maintenance system? What do you think are the top benefits of drinking enough water? If you have any thoughts, lease share them by leaving a comment below. References.