Are you doing everything you can to maximize your church memberships and community involvement? Do you have a strong marketing campaign, both in print and on digital? Marketing is just as important for churches as it is for any other business. Because churches rely on donations and membership activity for funding, it is important that you are using marketing in the following ways.
To inform local communities of your location
While your current church members are already aware of your location, it is possible that there are local community members that do not know about your church. Using both print marketing and digital marketing is a great way to increase this local awareness. It can also be useful to upgrade any exterior signage to attract attention from those that regularly pass the church, but do not really notice it. You can create this type of awareness with church marquee signs. Marquee signs for businesses are larger than average and often contain LED or scrolling words.
To notify current members of upcoming events
Church marquee signs can also be used to inform current church members of upcoming events. Increasing the number of signs will improve awareness of events and is also likely to increase event attendance. However, it is important to understand that upcoming events should be shared in multiple ways, as different generations of members are likely on different communication platforms. Use digital media such as social media and Email to reach younger generations. Use print marketing and church marquee signs to reach older generations of members.
To ask for donations from the community
Sometimes despite regular involvement of church members, additional donations are still needed. This usually occurs when many donations are given in a short period of time, such as during the holiday season. If you find that you are short on donations or funds to get through all of the needs of the upcoming holiday season, now is the time to ask for donations from the community. You can do this in any of the marketing methods mentioned. Using electronic signs can put the needs message in front of church members when they are attending church and they are more likely to donate.
To encourage new members to join
Churches rely on the donations from church members. In order to have sufficient funds for all needed events and charitable activities, a church needs to have many active members. Full color LED signs and scrolling church marquee signs can be very useful in increasing church member numbers. Approximately 32% of poll respondents visited the retailer they saw on a billboard later that week. This same idea applies to the church marquee. When community members regularly see church advertisements or notifications, they are more likely to choose your church for membership.
To ask for volunteers
One of the best things about having a community full of members is the wide range of skills that everyone holds. You can save costs on electrical needs by asking for an electrician member to volunteer their skills. You can cut costs on plumbing repairs by asking for volunteers. Churches are often on very tight of budgets and utilizing the skills of your members is a great way to keep up with building maintenance and repairs. You can request these volunteers with monthly newsletters or by putting the message on the church marquee signs.
Approximately 35% of people would not have discovered a business, or church, had it not been for their sign. Additionally, 71% of people often look at the messages on roadside billboards (traditional and digital combined), making them a great communication method for churches to reach their members, both current and potential.