The summer months can put a lot of wear and tear on your carpets. People are constantly tracking their shoes and dirty feet in and out. After just a couple of weeks of summer, you are left with dirty, stained, and flattened carpet. Despite the constant hustle and bustle of the summer months, there are simple ways to protect your carpet.
Enforce a strict no shoes rule
One of the best ways to keep your carpets clean and fresh is to enforce a strict no shoes rule. Place a mat at all entrances and encourage both family members and guests to remove their shoes. You can even place a small basket of shoe covers for those guests that prefer not to remove their shoes. These shoe covers can also be helpful as you run in and out of the house in a hurry. Shoes track a lot of debris and dirt into the house and cause the need for more frequent of carpet cleaning services.
Vacuum every night
It may seem like a hassle, but vacuuming every night can remove the day?s debris and prevent it from building up. Even if you do not see anything on the carpet, it is likely that there is dust and other small particles. About 22% of Americans consider their carpet to be even dirtier than their toilet seat. Remove some of the debris with daily cleanings. You can take some of the daily cleaning burden off by hiring a cleaning service or professional carpet cleaning service for some of those days.
Schedule routine carpet cleanings
While vacuuming does remove debris and dust from the carpet, it does not remove all traces of bacteria. Only 55% of homeowners deep clean carpets as often as EPA recommends (every six months or more). Your specific carpet cleaning needs will depend on the type and amount of traffic in your house, whether or not you have small children or pets, and the type of terrain that you live in, but minimally, you should schedule a routine residential home cleaning service at least every six months.
Use antibacterial cleaning products
There are a number of antibacterial cleaning products on the market that reduce bacteria until it is time for your next professional carpet cleaning service. These are similar products that the home carpet cleaners will use. You can easily spray, let sit, and then vacuum up these products. Although it will not provide as deep or thorough of a cleaning as a residential cleaning service will, it is a good way to freshen up your carpet in between professional cleanings. Just make sure that you are using safe products and that are you removing all traces of them before allowing small children to play on the carpet.
Cover carpets during projects
Some housing projects can permanently damage your carpets, including painting, cutting, or moving heavy furniture. When possible, it is best to cover the carpets to prevent damage. Carpet cleaners have the ability to remove dust and debris from your carpet, but often cannot remove substances like paint or oils. Protecting your carpets each time can prevent rapid wear and tear of them. It can also prolong the amount of time until you have to replace all of your carpeting.
Approximately 84% of Americans believe that having a clean carpet is necessary to having a clean home. Yet, many Americans are also unsatisfied with the current condition of their home?s carpets. Carpet cleaning services can temporarily clean your carpets. However, clean carpets also require regular upkeep and protection. Prohibiting shoes and projects on the carpet can prolong its time. Using antibacterial cleaning products and vacuuming regularly can give you a cleaner carpet. Caring for your carpet will reduce the amount of dust and debris in your house.