Is Your Company In Need of a New Sign?

Gsa led sign






That is the purpose of working with an LED sign company. To make sure that someone gets noticed.
The decision to work with an LED sign company or any kind of outdoor sign company is the decision to increase your company’s exposure. From school marquees to signs for municipalities, the goal of a sign is to capture the attention of both current and potential customers.

  • Catching the attention of a world that is distracted by digital noise is not an easy task. The fact of the matter is, however, with all of the digital maps and the digitally generated voice prompts, your company still needs a sign to make sure that your potential customers locate you.
  • Almost 85% of a business’s customers live or work within a five-mile radius of its location. It is easy to understand then that the signs for those companies may help draw in those closely located customers.
  • Noticing a sign happens almost out of habit and without thinking. As many as 37% of consumers report looking at an outdoor ad each or most of the time they pass one.

  • Yearly numbers indicate that as many as 35% of people indicate they would not have discovered a business had it not been for the business’s sign.
  • Of poll respondents, 26% indicate that they took the time to note a phone number; 28% indicate that they took the time to note a website address written on an outdoor billboard.
  • Unless customers can find you, your business will not be successful. A potential customer looking for their morning cup of coffee, for example, may opt for your closest competitor if they see that sign before locating yours.

  • Statistics indicate that 71% of people often look at the messages on roadside billboards, both digital and traditional.
  • Estimates indicate that LEDs are estimated to achieve a 53% penetration of the global lighting market in the year 2019.
  • Every time that you make the decision to put an outdoor sign at your business you are making a choice that is cost effective. For instance, the value of an on-site sign is equal to as many as 24 full-page newspaper ads each year.

  • Many church marquee signs use their space to present creative, thoughtful, and even humorous comments that are changed at least once a week.
  • Electronic scrolling signs are especially effective in many locations.

  • Night time viewing of LED sign company products is the goal of many tourists. From the signs on Broadway to the signs on main street, many visitors wait for the sun to set to capture these illuminated memories.
  • One study suggests that 68% of poll respondents frequently or sometimes make shopping decisions while they are in the car.
  • Without a doubt, studies indicate that changing or adding a sign directly improve sales revenue. Replacing a store front wall sign with a larger sign, for instance, increases revenue by 7.7%

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