Would you like to increase your school’s visibility within the neighborhood? Are you also interested in enhancing your school’s spirit? If so, have you considered installing a school marquee or other type of outdoor signage?
An outdoor school sign can contain more than just hours of operation and vacations. Other important or interesting information can also be posted. Scrolling marquee signs can announce sports scores and motivational messages, such as uplifting slogans and sayings.
Some schools regularly post congratulatory information for academic achievement as well as birthday wishes to students, staff, and faculty. As such, a school marquee provides an excellent way to express school pride.
School LED signs are also an effective means to inform the neighborhood of school plays and other activities that are open to students, their families and friends, and the community at large. A recent poll showed that many people learn about events from outdoor signage. When contact information, website addresses, and other relevant information is posted about an event, it can potentially increase attendance.
Outdoor signs for schools are also beneficial during emergency situations. If there is an extreme weather event or another type of situation that requires a community to work together, a school sign board can be used to provide valuable information. Contact numbers for local resources and emergency community meetings can also be included on these signs.
There are a variety of outdoor LED signs available for schools, from scrolling marquee signs to electronic message boards. Since the LEDs come in a variety of colors, there is also room for creativity. When looking for the right outdoor school sign, it’s also important to note that LEDs are an energy-efficient source of lighting.
When you work with an LED sign company, they will make sure that your new sign reflects your school’s needs. Depending on the size of your school’s grounds, you may realize that it would be beneficial to have more than one sign strategically placed around the campus. In addition to the school entryways and exits, many schools have LED signs installed on sports fields and outside auditoriums and theaters.