4 Reasons Your School Needs an LED Marquee Sign

Electronic marquee signs

As a school, it’s difficult to effectively communicate with young people, namely students. On top of that you have to make sure that you’re also communicating well with the parents and the community to. One great way to make sure that everyone is getting the same announcements and messages is through the use of marquee signs for schools. These electronic school signs are a great invention. Here’s why every school needs to have scrolling marquee signs set up.

Parents can stay in ‘the know.’
Telling a student to relay a message to their parent about homework, events or other announcements is like trying to drink water with chopsticks. It’s not going to happen. Even if you send home papers, kids will leave the papers in their backpacks, forget the messages or some other catastrophe will prevent the information from getting to the parents. Having marquee signs for schools is an easy way to get parents to see the current, general information that they need to know as they drop off their kids for school or pick them up. If they want further information, they can then inquire for it by keeping on their children about bringing home the letter or calling the school themselves, but at the very least, the initial announcement is out there for them to see.

They can aid is boosting school spirit.
If the community doesn’t know about school events, there’s no way that the residents can come out and support them. They often miss out on these things because of this very reason. If you don’t have a child in the school, you won’t know when the events are and when they are open to the public. Marquee signs for schools should be high enough for passers by to see in order to increase the fans at sports games, the audience during school plays and so on and so forth. Studies show that the bigger the crowd that comes out to support a school event, the more encouraged the kids are and this in turn, lifts school spirit and makes kids more excited to be involved. Making sure kids want to be involved in clubs and groups in the school is important to their overall success. Colleges even look approvingly at school records that include a variety of experiences.

It’s a lot more cost effective than other methods.
While the initial installment of marquee signs for schools may be a little steep, it will pay off in the long run. A lot of valuable time and money goes into sending home letters, making phone calls or other ways. Having an LED sign up to communicate with the parents and the community will pay for itself in no time. Since you are not having the constant expense every time new information needs to go out, your school will be able to benefit from the sign for years and years to come. Plus, most signs come with a warranty so if something happens or the sign malfunctions, you’ll be able to get it fixed or replaced for free as long as you are within those warranty years. Even if you need repairs done and you are no longer under the warranty, it will still work out to be cheaper than everything that is spent sending out letters and phone calls and flyers every time there is an event.

It’s quick and simple to use.
Traditional marquee signs take some time to change. It is a tedious task to have to change out those types of a signs and no one wants to do it. Having an LED marquee display will allow you to change the sign right from your computer. It makes it a lot easier to update with student achievement, last minute schedule changes and other things that might come up. This time saved can be better put to use in helping and inspiring the students that are right there in front of you.

What it comes down to is staying up to date. Every kid wants to go to the ‘cool school’ and if you don’t have something as simple as an electronic announcement board, your school will not be the one that all the kids want to go to.

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