Signs have been a part of human civilization for many, many years, and one can literally see a sign just about anywhere today. When used for businesses, signs have been found to increase revenue. Indeed, studies show that adding or changing a sign directly improves sales revenue. Replacing a store front wall sign with a…
Category: Digital led business signs

Here are 3 Places That Can Make Use of Digital LED Sign Boards
Signs can be found anywhere you look, and have been used with businesses and other locations for a long period of time. Signs are considered quite useful because according to studies 35% of people wouldn’t have discovered a business had it not been for their sign. These signs can take a number of forms; there…
4 Reasons Your School Needs an LED Marquee Sign
As a school, it’s difficult to effectively communicate with young people, namely students. On top of that you have to make sure that you’re also communicating well with the parents and the community to. One great way to make sure that everyone is getting the same announcements and messages is through the use of marquee…