How a New Sign Can Grow Your Church’s Congregation

Commercial business signs

Eight out of ten people say that they have entered a store for the first time based simply on the look of its sign. A sign says more than the name of a business or hours of operation; a sign tells those passing by what to expect upon entering the building. Surveys show that 68% of people hold the belief that a business’s sign reflects the quality of its services or products. For a store, business, or organization, the sign is the first impression.

You want a sign that accurately represents the purpose of you organization, and attracts your target audience. As a church, you will wish to convey a warm and welcoming tone to families and individuals in your community. It is important that your guests feel safe and comfortable, that they feel a sense of security and acceptance upon entering your house of worship. But before that can happen, your church and corresponding sign must first be highly visible to the public.

Signs for churches can be easily overlooked, as they are often overshadowed by the size or beauty of the church they represent. However, for those passing by, a church may not seem like anything special, as many towns, both small and large, have a number of churches scattered throughout. It is the sign that tells them what makes your church stand apart. In order to catch the eye of the people in your community, a scrolling marquee sign can make all the difference. An outdoor LED display is not only highly visible, it also expresses a tone of excitement, friendliness, and acceptance due to the very fact that it is presenting itself unabashedly for all to read. Over one-third of people surveyed indicated that they look at an outdoor advertisement each time they pass one. If your street receives even a decent amount of traffic, your sign is guaranteed to be read by at least one-third of those walking or driving past. This number is likely to grow with scrolling marquee signs or full color LED signs.

Municipal signs, school signs, and commercial business signs are gradually evolving from the lifeless and static boards we’ve always seen. LED signs are bringing their organizations to life, actively inviting prospective patrons and attracting new business. Check out your local listings for companies that produce church signs, municipal signs, business signs, and more.

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