When it comes to custom rings, PTFE o rings, slat seals, or Teflon o rings, you have to be careful with your selection. There are different PTFE o ring suppliers. That being the case, you need to choose someone who has a great reputation when it comes to o rings. Remember, you will be spending money on this project. You just have to ensure that you get value for your money. And how do you ensure that is the case? You will have to start by reading customer reviews. From the reviews, you will be able to tell which supplier suits you perfectly. So, do not just choose any supplier you come across. There is a possibility of being shortchanged. To be honest, that is not a circumstance that you intend to find yourself in. Therefore, take your time and make your selection.
The choice of the ptfe o ring, nitrile o ring or quad ring also matters a lot. There are some factors that you need to put into consideration when choosing one. For instance, you will need to assess the hardness, sizes, and prices of the rings. That is to ensure you get those o rings that perfectly fit your project. Fortunately, here is a video that will guide you when it comes to choosing o rings. Do not just buy blindly. You will be the one to blame.