In an effort to make sure that all of the students in the district are proficient in their writing skills, the scoring team is also gauging how college ready these students will be. Gathered in a room for four days preparing to talk about writing modes, scoring rubrics, and model, partner, and gateway papers, the group of classroom teachers and professional scorers worked their way through close to 2,000 papers. The fact that all of these papers have to be scored twice sets a stage for accuracy, and a resolution process provides one more step to guarantee fairness.
From the outside, the process can seem tedious and exhausting. In the classroom, however, the instruction that helps students prepare for various kinds of writing is worthwhile. From expository to persuasive and from narrative to text based, there are many different styles of writing that today’s English teachers present. And while some students will be more successful than others when it comes to meeting the district standards, the reality is that all of these efforts are important. From composing emails at work to creating digital marketing strategic solutions, writing is one of the most important skills that a high school graduate will need.
Digital Marketing Company Services Include the Creation of Strong Organic Content
Whether you are a small gift boutique in need of engaging product descriptions or you are a larger company interested in revenue growth, chances are you need the talents of a strong writer. Fortunately, fining a digital marketing company may be the perfect solution. Working with a team of website developers and an experienced writing staff, the best digital marketing company can help their clients reach all of their marketing and revenue goals. Behind this digital marketing company, however, there needs to be a staff of writers who are well trained in everything from social media trends and strong content creation.
Strong content creation, of course, relies on writers with a wide range of writing experience. Perhaps this is one of the major reasons that so many high schools are focusing on increasing the writing skills of all of their graduates. Being able to take your knowledge of writing composition and apply it to any subject matter in any kind of setting is essential. When it comes to content writing for a specific marketing company, the writing staff may need to be able to write about everything from applied behavior analysis therapy to yoga.
What High School Lessons and Skills Do You Use While You Are on the Job?
Those days of sitting in a nearly too small desk with its attached chair a lifetime ago were likely filled with all kinds of work that you failed to appreciate at the time. Today, however, there are likely some of those skills that continue to play an essential role. Writing is likely at the top of that list. From being able to create a clever introduction to knowing how to organize details in a persuasive manner, your high school English teacher provided a base for many years of completing research and content creation.
Good writing that focuses on clarity never goes out of style. Unfortunately, too often students find themselves avoiding the process instead of practicing the craft that will allow them to be succeed later in life. Consider some of these many times when your writing skills will come into play:
- Creating a digital marketing campaign that will include engaging copy for daily social media posts.
- Writing speeches for executives who need to speak at a shareholder’s meeting.
- Composing emails and responses to customer concerns for a local roofing company.
- Creating high quality and error free copy for a school district in a role of communications director.
- Technical writing that is required in the creation of manuals for new staff policies and procedures for a manufacturing company.
- Engaging copy to encourage public donations for a local charity that serves an entire city.
Writing matters. If it did not, you would not be reading this. Finding a way to create a new generation of writers in a time when science, technology, engineering, and math are getting so much attention, however, can be a challenge. Luckily, those high school English teachers are a stubborn bunch!