When Americans Work From Home

Thanks to both the Internet and telephones, it is easier and more practical than ever for some employees or job seekers to work stay at home call center jobs, inbound sales jobs, dispatcher positions, and more without ever arriving at an office. Many Americans may like the idea of working from home, and not just because of the familiar setting. These stay at home call center jobs, for example, can make for flexible careers for moms who can’t easily leave their children home alone for work. Not only may single parents appreciate these stay at home call center jobs, but Americans with other commitments may try them too. They may work from home as an insurance agent, for example, or perform sales rep work by phone. Some of these jobs may also be supported by Internet use, and some office employees have a dedicated home office where they can get everything done. How might this work, and who needs stay at home call center jobs the most?

The Role of the Telephone

The telephone dates back to the 1870s, but not even the Internet has fully replaced its role in both personal communication and office work. It is still standard for offices to makes sales calls to customers and other businesses by phone, and customers and consumers may call these offices for support or questions. This may be partly due to the human mind’s affinity for hearing another person’s voice speak to them in full time, which may be more appealing than text-based communication online. In fact, consumer surveys show that these consumers prefer phone-based communication the most, at 61%, more than any other channel. Email is a close second at 60%, and live chat third at 57%. And in nearly any American company, the telephone is a major part of the sales funnel. Investing in good phone service can really pay off.

Good phone conversation skills and sales technique are a whole topic in themselves, but put simply, any phone-based employee may greatly affect the company’s income based on how well they treat customers. Gaining loyal customers by phone can drive up profits, and losing them with bad phone skills can hurt profits. Often, it takes just one instance of bad phone service to drive away a customer, whether that customer is a newcomer or a loyal one. What might go wrong? Often, the issue is ambient noise. An office worker using the phone is not alone; many other co-workers are there and having their own phone conversations, or in-person conversations as well. This ruckus may distract and frazzle an employee, leading to elevated stress and work error rates. That, and both parties may struggle to hear each other by phone, which will certainly lower phone service quality. For these reasons and more, an employee who often uses their phone may move this work to the privacy of their home.

Work at Home

There are reasons to work in the office, and reasons to work at home. Where the home is concerned, an employee may greatly boost their phone service quality levels when they are working in a quiet environment. A private home will offer peace and quiet, and this is something both parties on the phone will appreciate. Phone-based employees don’t come face-to-face with customers anyway, so this will not negatively impact the consumer. What is more, many American employees have an entire home office with a desk, computer with Internet access, a fax machine or printer, and of course, that phone. Remote employees won’t miss a thing while working like this, since they can use e-mail, live video chat, and Cloud storage access to share files with their bosses and co workers alike.

Some employees or job seekers take stay at home call center jobs or the like out of sheer need. Some job seekers already have a job or a college career, so they need employment that offers them flexible hours to fit any schedule. Remote phone jobs may easily fit the bill. And as mentioned earlier, some job seekers are single parents unwilling to leave their children behind while working, so this is an effective compromise. Finally, job seekers with limited transportation, or those with serious social anxiety, may greatly appreciate the opportunities of remote jobs.

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