Three Ways Custom Packaging And Labels Can Help Your Business

Picture yourself in a grocery store. No matter what aisle you’re in, you’re surrounded by dozens and dozens of items, all with different kinds of food packaging. Think about your favorite candy bar, your favorite brand of soda pop or favorite kind of coffee.

Odds are you enjoy all those things for the way they taste, but you also pick them likely because you recognize their food packaging. Many well-known brands are popular because their products are easily recognizable in a store and customers associate that familiarity with trust.

If you’ve got a business, having custom packaging for the products you sell can do wonders. If you can get a customer to recognize your products and associate them with trust, you’ll have a better chance of making money. With that in mind, here’s how custom packaging can help your business:

  • Professional look: Eighty five percent of shoppers said their purchase decisions are informed by reading a product package while shopping. That means your custom packaging, whether food packaging or some other type of packaging, has to make an impression. A 2016 study by West Rock Consumer Insights revealed that 66% of customers have tried a new product because the packaging caught their eye. So if you can create packaging that’s professional, people will take notice. Well-known brands are well-known for a reason. Sure they have effectively marketing on TV, but their packaging is also instantly recognizable.
    So what does the mean for your business? It means that creative custom packaging can go a long way in catching someone’s attention. After all, there’s a reason customers trust well-established companies and it has a lot to do with the familiarity of their product labels. Professional packaging and bag labels that list a product’s name and ingredients can tell customers everything they need to know when they pick up your product.
    Food packaging and custom printed labels such as box labels and coffee bag labels also give your company a chance to design a custom, eye-catching logo that people will come to associate with your business..
  • Easy Creation: Many professional label companies make it extremely easy these days to create labels and logos. In some cases, all you have to do is send your design ideas along with what kind of products you’re looking for and let the design company get to work.
  • Fitting The Product: Customized labels and packaging can be tailored to fit whatever products you have. Whether you need food packaging, pet treat labels, clothing packaging or someone else, you can get whatever you need to fit and label the products you have. Customizing labels and packaging allows a company to easily create different things for different categories of products whether you need custom coffee packaging design or custom pet treat packaging design.
    Pet treat packaging for example can be separated into hard and soft treats with two different colors to differentiate the two. Coffee bag labels and coffee packaging design can be differentiated by colors for different blends and spice packages can have custom labels for different types of spices.
  • Custom packaging works great when it comes to vegetable and fruit food packaging as well. As previously mentioned, eighty-five percent of shoppers said their purchase decisions are informed by reading a product package while shopping and custom packaging can make certain fruits and vegetables more appealing, particularly at farmers markets.

    Almost two in three Americans (62%) read food labels and having your own custom printed coffee bag design or vegetable and fruit packaging will not only make your wares more appealing, customers will come to trust your products since they can pick something up, read the label and know exactly what ingredients are in the products you’re selling.

    Still not sure if you need custom packaging and custom labels? Need further proof that packaging and labels work? People spend billions of dollars every year on their pets and companies that pay close attention to packaging have reported a 30% increase in consumer interest.

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