Choosing what kind of ductwork you want in your home or business can feel like a hard choice at times because there are so many types to choose from. There is, among other types, oval ductwork, rectangular ductwork, and spiral ductwork. It might seem hard to know which one to choose but all of the benefits of spiral ductwork really make it the best choice. This article looks at four benefits that come from using spiral ductwork in your home or business.
- Spiral Ductwork Takes Up Less Space: One of the benefits of spiral ductwork is that it takes up less space than rectangular ductwork. In particular, rectangular ducts need about 3 extra inches when being installed. Spiral ductwork, being round in shape, is automatically smaller and doesn’t need as much space to be installed.
- Spiral Ductwork Makes Far Less Noise: Another of the benefits of spiral ductwork is that it makes much less noise than other types of ductwork. According to Kaempf and Harris/a>, this is because spiral ducts are more rigid, vibrate less, and by extension don’t generate as much noise as rectangular ductwork.
- Spiral Ductwork Doesn’t Leak As Much: Another benefit of using spiral ductwork is that it doesn’t leak as much as other forms of ductwork because of how the ducts are put together. This is incredibly beneficial because leaks can damage ductwork over time. Since spiral ductwork doesn’t leak as much, this means it can last longer over time.
- Spiral Ductwork is Easier to Insulate: A final benefit of using spiral ductwork is that it is easier to insulate. Unlike rectangular ductwork, which is insulated on the inside, insulation has to be placed on the outside of spiral ductwork. It’s a different process but it’s still easier to apply because it only has to be wrapped around the outside.
In conclusion, there are a number of benefits to using spiral ductwork in your home or business. These include taking up less space, making far less noise, not leaking as much, and being easier to insulate.These are all important reasons to have spiral ductwork installed in your home and business. When the time comes to choose the type of ductwork that needs to be installed, consider all of these advantages and make the choice to have spiral ductwork installed in your home or business.