In today’s time and age, servicemen and women deserve respect and admiration considering the amount of sacrifice they have made for the country. Fully appreciating military men and women does not only involve understanding the risks they go through but also the tremendous challenges their families face when they are under deployment. More challenges arise when the servicemen return home. In any case, injuries are inevitable for military personnel especially those deployed in war-torn areas. For that reasons, there should be measures in place in helping disabled veterans face challenges that the servicemen and women face not just when under deployment but even back home.
Government strategies however have over the years proved to be reactive rather than proactive when it comes to helping disabled veterans. Military people are not the only people who require special attention but there are other needy groups that require help-apart from state and government help. This is the reason why there are organizational based drop off points to offer assistance to these people. Due to injuries from military services, families of servicemen and women are confronted with the problem of helping disabled veterans. It is important to acknowledge that disabled military veterans got to that kind of situation because of their services to the nation. This means that everyone who enjoys the peace and calm as a result of military operations both locally and abroad should take it upon themselves to offer any kind of support to these former military persons.
Donations for veterans are a noble initiative that is entirely voluntary. These donations are not only limited to clothes donations but include other items as well. When you donate to charity, you are not just helping reintegrate people of special group into the society but promoting a sense of social empowerment in the community. Government intervention is not effective enough to address some of the challenges that special needs groups face in the society. For starters, helping disabled veterans requires helping them adjust to a new system of lives but such adjustment comes at a cost. The mental stress on former servicemen and women is evident in the rising cases of PTSD in the US. There are various drop-off points located in strategic places across different states meant to help not just disabled military veterans but other special needs groups.
It is estimated that an average American household is currently buying almost twice as much clothes as they did 20 years ago. Going by these statistics, textile wastes accounts for 5% of municipal waste since only a small percentage of this waste is recycled. Instead of disposing off such clothes, there are hundreds of local clothing donations centers that can make use of clothes donations. When such donations are made, there is no need of specifying who you are donating to. Different charity foundations deal with specific groups that require your assistance depending on the specialty. In the case of helping disabled veterans, you can make clothing donations for veterans and help hundreds of families of people who dedicated their lives to make the country safe and paid the ultimate price.