A single late invoice can set you back for days. Imagine what several late invoices can do.
You likely don’t need to, as late invoices and partial invoices are an increasingly common story for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Not only do they deprive you of the money you need to keep running, your employees feel the stress of having to constantly backtrack and keep pace. Factoring financing services are designed to give you a much-needed boost in murky waters. Also dubbed freight capitol factoring, you can find several varieties of this service to better suit your niche. Slowly, but surely, late invoices will become a thing of the past.
If you’re new to business invoice factoring, don’t worry. This is one resource that is only going to get more common from here.
You name an industry, you name a problem with troublesome invoices. The transportation network is one particular section of the American economy that can’t afford to be late, by any means. Just about 12 million trucks, rail cars, locomotives, and vessels are responsible for moving goods in and out of the network. According to data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration there are nearly six million commercial motor vehicle drivers working today. Transportation factoring is just one type of resource you can tap into to better stay on schedule.
Small businesses in general are in need of a little stability. There are nearly 30 million owned and operated in the United States, an impressive figure that won’t see any signs of dipping anytime soon. That’s not to say businesses are generally in the clear, however. A recent study revealed bankruptcies have increased to 25,000 companies, spiking in the second quarter of 2016. That’s far too many aiming for the stars and not coming anywhere close due to easily preventable means.
Did you know nearly 60% of invoices are paid late? It’s not hard to see why so many businesses are struggling to keep their head above water. Invoice factoring remains one of the most consistent tools you can use in the game, even beyond good marketing tactics. It’s estimated that if all invoices were simply paid on time small American businesses could collectively hire two million more employees. That alone could reduce unemployment by 25% or more.
It’s hard to believe such a simple thing could have such massive consequences, good or bad, but as the saying goes? Big things come in small packages. Factoring financing, whether it’s trucking factoring services or international factoring, will make sure you have one less thing to worry about during the workweek. The function of invoice factoring is to create an accounts receivable financing that converts any outstanding invoices due within 90 days into cash. This is less waiting, less frustration, and less effort, all in one.
You deserve to be paid not just the full amount you’re owed, but the full amount you’re owed on time. Factoring companies are able to help small businesses bridge invoice payment gaps with upfront payments, as much as 90% of the original invoice. They can also do their part to help businesses avoid the frustrating 60, 90, and even 180 day waiting period. According to data from the Wall Street Journal, ‘the factor advances most of the invoice amount, after checking the credit-worthiness of the billed customer’. This may or may not include a factoring fee.
Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Factoring financing is simply a modern way of dealing with a very old problem.