Fast, Efficient And Reliable Why Directional Boring Methods Are Quickly Replacing Traditional Techniques

Civil engineering and home renovation has never been better. You can thank steerable trenchless solutions for that.

With better technology comes higher expectations. Customers and residents want reliable access to oil, water and repair solutions. Businesses want to ensure they’re getting the job done right and as quickly as possible. The benefits of steerable trenchless solutions is the added flexibility to an involving process, giving you more control over your project while still chipping away at all the extra hours. When you start reaching out to Austin directional drilling contractors you’re doing the dual work of upgrading your process and saving much-needed time and effort.

Here are five simple things you need to know about precise directional boring and why you should rely on it from 2018 and onward.

Horizontal Directional Drilling Is More Common Than Ever

Old methods are being abandoned in favor of faster, more efficient methods. The sooner you start replacing your standard techniques with updates, the sooner you’ll start reaping the benefits across your industries of choice. The global horizontal directional drilling market is expected to reach nearly $15 billion by the time 2022 comes around. What else should you know going forward?

The Materials You Use Have A Major Impact

Any savvy businessowner knows it’s all in the materials you use. A little extra quality now means less work and repairs in the future and precision directional boring is no different. A 2017 Horizontal Directional Drilling Survey found high density polyethylene pipe to be the most common type utilized in the directional drilling market. HDPE is used in nearly 50% of all projects, regardless of sector. This same survey saw telecommunications increasing its HDD market to nearly 25%, thanks to the fiber-to-the-premises wave.

Steerable Trenchless Methods Are Fast And Reliable

Why are steerable trenchless methods replacing so many standard techniques? It’s because they’re much more reliable and efficient due to their precision focused steps. HDD is generally accomplished through three main phases, with the first creating a pilot hole drilled along a directional path from one surface point to another. The second step will enlarge the bore to a diameter that will encourage easy installation of the pipeline and the third will see the pipeline pulled through the hole to create a continuous segment.

Directional Drilling Is Used In Many Industries

You don’t have to look far to see which industries use trenchless boring. There are homeowners who need pipe repairs who want to make sure their backyard isn’t completely ruined in the process. There are companies who want to extract as much product as possible in one go. Directional drilling has been found to produce twice the amount of oil or gas being extracted than traditional methods, after all, and it pays to save on time. It’s estimated there are over two and a half million miles of pipelines transporting products from source to market as we know it.

The Future Is Relying On Directional Boring

It’s time to take a critical eye and turn it over your current drilling methods. Could they be faster? How about producing more product in less time? Horizontal directional drilling is considered the most efficient, safe and cost-effective method for highway bores today and is becoming the current industry standard for trenchless technology for bores between two and 48 inches, as well as 600 to 1800 feet. When you reach out to directional drilling services you offer both your businesses and your clients a means of getting to the finish line a lot faster than usual.

Don’t let the opportunity pass you by. Make the switch in 2018 and reap the benefits sooner rather than later.

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