You’ve been convinced. You know that 71% of people look at the messages they pass on roadside billboards and that 37% of people say they’ll take a look every time they pass one. You know that having an on-site sign is as valuable to your business, school, or church as taking out 24 newspaper ads every year. You’ve sprung for LED signs, marquee signs, or some type of digital LED sign boards. How can you get the most out of them?
Understand the Technology
The biggest problem with digital LED sign boards is that people try to drop images into them from their computers without understanding the differences between these screens and that of a computer. Any picture needs to be formatted to make the best use of LED technology; otherwise, you’ll get a poor image on your signage.
Understanding How to Fit the Image to the Display
Nearly any formatting or picture adjusting program will let you adjust the size of a picture so that it fits well onto digital signs. It’s important to do some manual adjustments and resize pictures to see how they’ll look before displaying them on any digital LED sign boards. Text should also be adjusted for the best look. In general, sans-serif fonts will look a lot better. More complex fonts tend to look distorted when displayed on a LED signs.
Check Your Resolution
Most digital LED sign boards have a far lower resolution than your average computer screen, tablet, or TV. The resolution refers to how many pixels are on the screen in rows and columns. The higher the resolution, the more detail that can be displayed. If you try to put an image with a lot of detail onto a display with low resolution, most of the image is lost and fuzzy. Know that while your computer screen probably has a screen resolution of something like 1366×768 pixels. An LED screen has 80×208 or even 48×96.
Use Images of the Right Shape
Many LED signs are designed to be much wider than they are tall. The screen resolution referred to above, 80×208 has a width more than twice that of its height. Some differences are even greater. This means that if the wrong image is used, it can end up being terribly distorted because it’s being squeezed onto a screen far too small for it. This makes your digital LED sign boards far less effective.
Having great electronic signs is a proven way of getting your message out. Be sure that your message is as clear and effective as it can be by making the best use of your sign. Ask professionals in your area about what type of sign is right for your needs and how to make the best of your outdoor LED signs.