With mobile browsing at its best and shipping more accessible than it’s ever been, why would a customer still want to go to a store in-person?
For many it’s the chance to cultivate a memorable experience. It’s a good way to look at products in-person and ask questions that could take too long to be answered. Most of all, it’s how they gauge the worth of a company and whether or not they truly care about what they offer their consumer base. Your store, as a result, needs to be easy to navigate no matter who walks through the front door. What does this entail? Let’s discuss the art of the sign and all the ways you can communicate pricing, location and specials with just a glance.
The Function Of Creative Retail Display Ideas
It can seem odd to go all-out with your signs. Shouldn’t your products speak for themselves? Not quite. According to data provided back in 2014, there are over 30,000 SKUs launched every single year. It’s also estimated consumers will be exposed to nearly 3,000 advertisements every single day. A business that wants to regularly meet its weekly figures needs to reach out to customers and provide them everything they need to make an informed decision. A simple addition like a sign stand base or clear plastic hanging sign can make all the difference.
Clear Price Tag Sleeves
Prices come and go. Sometimes you have a special that you want to use to entice customers to drop by. Other times you need to clear out old product to make way for the new. Clear price tag sleeves make it easy to swap out prices and small chunks of information at will. It’s estimated as many as six out of 10 purchases in a store can be classified as an impulse buy. This is particularly true around the holidays when many are on a deadline and need to get gifts fast. How are you sending useful information your customers’ way?
Acrylic Door Sign Holder
First impressions are everything! Many stores will put display stands and door holders near the front so customers can start thinking about what they want the moment they walk inside. A sign stand base will ensure your products don’t go anywhere as they’re browsed and jostled throughout the day. Shoppers will make up to 80% of their purchase decisions in the store, so it’s up to you to help them get to a product that will really speak to them. Fill up your acrylic display risers with useful information to keep questions at a minimum.
Display Stands
Out of sight, out of mind. This age-old adage has survived a long time for a reason. Customers that are unable to casually browse are more likely to be distracted and sent straight to your competitors. According to an illuminating 2011 report, over 85% of consumers will actually pay more for a better experience. This means an easy browsing experience, appealing display stands and a visit that leaves a good taste in their mouth. Acrylic pedestal display stands can be moved around the wall to surround the store and give it a cohesive look. Pair this with a good sign stand base to lead the eye and you have a recipe for success.
Crafting A Successful Business With Your Signs
Visiting a store in-person has yet to go out of fashion. Signs have always been a simple and effective way of communicating intent for as long as we’ve been around, spanning industries, services and budgets alike. They’re also much cheaper than a lot of flashy advertisements. The cost to reach just 1,000 adults with a sign or store merchandiser for a year was anywhere between three cents to 37 cents. Compare this to $4.00 to $7.00 for a 30 second commercial. When you’re pondering how to bring more customers to your store, look no further than a sign stand base or glass door sign holder.