If you’ve been thinking about spiral ducting lately, you’re on the right track. There are several reasons why spiral ducting is so much more effective and just better overall for your home. For example, when using rectangular ducts, extra space (roughly as much as 3 inches) must be factored in for the connections and reinforcements needed at each joint. However, this is not a consideration when installing spiral duct work.
It’s also a much more affordable option, often costing as much as 50% less than rectangular ducts. The installation still includes product, parts, labor, warehousing, transportation, packaging, and waste disposal. That’s not bad if you’re trying not to break the bank!
Your duct system is an important aspect of you home to think about. In the U.S., ducted heating and cooling systems are installed in about 90% of new homes. When thinking about rennovations, this might be an area you want to consider thinking more about and making sure that everything is working as it should. If not, you might want to consider a replacement.
If you’re still thinking about switching to spiral ducting, here are a few more reasons to completely convince you.
1. It’s better for leaks
A good quality self-sealing spiral duct system can ensure that you can have an efficient system and not deal with energy loss. These spiral ducts will meet the highest industry air-leakage standard.
2. It keeps your other costs down
Once your leaks are taken care of, the cost of filtering, heating, cooling, and distributing your air is kept low. Moving to more airtight systems helps you have higher annual energy savings.
3. They are quieter
Noise breakout can be controlled with a switch to a spiral duct because the reverberation that is created by a rectangular duct is nonexistent with a spiral duct. Therefore, no noise reverberation! The rectangular duct system itself allows for more noise because the air flows through sharp edges and turning vanes. An oval duct is even better than a rectangular duct because they are easier to fit inside wall cavities and cause less noise.
Oval ductwork also means faster installation and its easier to join pieces together. If you’re trying to weigh out which kind of ducting is better for less noise pollution and a lower cost, you should think about investing in spiral ducting.
What kind of ducting is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!