During the nine months of the school year, you can find substitute teaching jobs as often as you like. In fact, when friends and family ask about how often you sub, your give your answer is two parts. First, your goal is to sub two days a week. Second, you always add that if you wanted you could actually be subbing every single day. From a preschool and kindergarten Montessori classroom to a young adult programs for students up to the age of 21, being a substitute teacher in your local school district provides you many opportunities to work. Having the freedom to take the assignments that you want, but to turn down jobs when you have other plans, means that you always have the right amount of energy that you need for any day in any classroom.
These opportunities, however, are not available in the summer. And while you have typically enjoyed the months of June, July, and August because of the time that you have had to spend with your two daughters, tis summer is a little different. Your oldest daughter stayed on her college campus 12 hours from home where she is enjoying working in the admissions office giving tours. She also looks forward to volunteering for the summer orientation programs for the incoming freshmen.
Your younger daughter just turned 16 and now that she has her driver’s license she is rarely at home. Driving herself to and from a morning summer school class and going to the pool, this 16 year old is acting like a caged bird who has previously never seen freedom. In short, the house is empty and lonely, and you know that you could be making more productive use of your time.
A friend encouraged you to contact a local temp agency and you are now looking at several choices of where you could work instead of just sitting home.
Fluid Work Force Management Is an Advantage of Temp Agencies Across the Country
Whether you are an employer looking for staffing solutions for the summer months of June, July, and August, or you are a company looking for extra employees at the end of every calendar month, a temp agency may be the perfect solution. Instead of running your own advertisement or posting on various internet sites, it might be time to employ the services of temporary employment agencies. From finding the substitute teachers who are adept at moving from one environment to the next to finding a person who can fill in for two or three months, a temp agency provides many hiring solutions to companies of all size:
- Going to job fairs and holding hiring events requires staffing that many small companies do not have. A simpler hiring solution for many small companies is to work with a temp agency to fill short term openings.
- Estimates indicate that 57% of organizations view employee retention as a problem. For this reason many staffing solution companies, in addition to providing short term employment options, also offer on boarding seminars and training that will keep the best workers coming back day after day.
- Today’s job force includes a lot of valuable information on their social media posts. For this reason, 93% of recruiters look at a candidate?s social media profile in helping them determine if a candidate is the right fit.
- Approximately 22% of new hires leave their jobs within 45 days of being hired, causing repeated expenses for companies.
- Just findig the right employee is not enough in today’s fluctuating job market. The most successful companies also use information from a temp agency about how to increase worker engagement and worker happiness to keep the best employees on staff for as long as they are needed.
- One thing that has proven to help companies retain the best workers is to emplo a diverse staff. For instance, McKinsey?s research indicates that ethnically-diverse companies are 35% more likely to outperform their peers, and that gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to do the same.
- By using a structured on boarding program, companies are more likely to retain new hires. In fact, some statistics indicate that these programs produce employees who are 58% more likely to still be with the company three years later.