Are you participating in an upcoming trade show exhibit and want to make your booth stand out from the crowd? Convention displays need to plan there setup carefully, as a last minute slapdash display can actually look unprofessional, as though the company simply does not care about how the customer perceives them. At a convention, the average participant will spend between 8.3 and 9.5 hours looking at all the convention exhibits on display. And they are not religiously devoting equal time to each and every one. No, it is those trade show exhibits that display a clear picture of the company’s ethos that will receive the most attention.
Before we focus on how to create a dynamic trade show booth, let’s go back to the reason why you will even be at the convention. It is likely that your reasons for going fall into one of the top three listed by trade show participants. The ability to gauge both prospective customers and other vendors in your field is the top reason for about 60%, as listed in one survey. About 51% of those surveyed enjoyed being able to meet these other vendors and customers in person and hear their thoughts. About 47% admitted they aimed to meet with people from every area of production, from the customer of course, but also suppliers, marketers, other vendors, and resellers. Your reasons can overlap, the important take away is that signing up and creating a trade show exhibit can help you meet and greet with others in your field. New ideas help keep a business fresh.
Once you have signed up for a trade show, it is time to begin brainstorming trade show booth ideas. First, consider what you are willing to bring with you. If the convention will require some traveling, such as a long car ride, you may not want to deal with the inconvenience of a tent or other large paraphernalia. On the other hand, you also want to avoid being, well, boring. A boring trade show exhibit has nothing but a table and a service representative or two to answer questions with no visual aids or any other feature of interest. As incredible as your company may be, if you do not stand out on the convention floor, you will lose potential customers.
Whatever you do, do not be afraid to add some color to the table. Bring a medium-sized sign with your company logo. Don’t forget your business cards, and definitely don’t forgot to smile.