It would surely come as no surprise to you to learn that falsified medicines are very dangerous, at best, and downright deadly, at worst. Falsified medicines are a major threat to health and safety all around the world. As the sophistication of the counterfeiters grows, the danger of false medications worldwide becomes an ever increasing problem for all of us. That is why the Falsified Medicines Directive is extremely important and has come at just the right time.
Falsified medication has become increasingly difficult to distinguish. One of the reasons that this is the case is that the packaging of the false medication has become more sophisticated. Different pharma packaging might look indistinguishable, but there is a very sizable difference.
The Falsified Medicines Directive has provided the basis for a number of legislative measures to battle the problems of falsified medications. Several of those measures have specifically to do with health and safety. When you look to the safety of medication, one of the areas that stands out is the area of packaging.
Pharmaceutical and medical packaging have made remarkable strides in recent years in the development of flexible medical packaging that is safe and secure. Blister packaging, for example, ensures both the safety and the integrity of medication before and until it is dispensed to a patient. Blister packaging that includes the combination of foil and PVC allows for a thick and durable packaging unit for many different products. The Falsified Medicines Directive has led directly to the development and distribution of such packing technology in recent years.
Bister packaging is a form of packaging that keeps the medication individually safe in a pocket or cavity covered by a peelable lamination. This kind of packaging is for prescription medications but is also utilized in the manufacturing of medication that is over the counter. You can walk through any drug store and see this type of packaging in use. We have come to trust it as the type of packaging that will keep us safe from any kind of alteration. If you see something wrong with an individual cavity or pocket, you know the medication has been compromised.
Another important development from the Falsified Medicines Directive is the directive for a common logo for all pharmacies the operate online. This directive gives customers a way to make sure that the online pharmacies they are using are legally able to operate over the web. This common logo is to be clearly displayed on every page of an online pharmacy’s website, clearly showing the client that the website has the full authority to take orders and dispense medications.
As the world of pharmaceuticals becomes larger and larger, with so many new companies entering the arena, it is more important than ever to have a system in place that proves the legitimacy of every company. The Falsified Medicines Directive has come along at just the right time, establishing safe packaging, legitimacy for online pharmacies and an overall feeling of relief to all of us who take medication.