Top 3 Reasons to Use Secure Gateway Services

Chargeback credit card

For any type of online transaction, it?s important to have a reliable authentication method. What with consumers purchasing a plethora of products online and sending money back and forth, there has to be some way to efficiently process these activity. That?s where e-commerce gateway services come in.

Gateway services provide a safe connection any time there is sensitive information being relayed between machines or accounts. They come in two basic formats ? hosted and shared. Hosted is when the consumer or client is redirected to a payment page that?s not located on your website. Once they?ve entered their payment information, they are then directed back to your website to complete the sale. On the other hand, a shared gateway service is when the secure payment is done within your website, not allowing the client to proceed until they?ve entered the necessary information.

There are numerous reasons why these payment gateway services are a necessity. If you?re considering setting up a payment processing service for your company?s website, here is a list of three key facts to consider:

  • Fraud Protection: It was reported in 2014 that about $16.31 billion was lost due to credit card fraud. This wasn?t just in one location; these numbers came from all across the globe! Gateway services work to ensure no unauthorized transaction are made without your client?s say-so and will authenticate the payment before letting it through.
  • Personal Data Protection: There was another report in 2014 that said the total of data breaches throughout the world equaled to about 1,540, an increase from the prior year. This in turn compromised over one billion data records. Data breaches are a real threat to many organizations and a reason to look into getting high quality gateway services for your company.
  • Easy To Use: More and more of the shopping that gets done these days is through the Internet and about 48% of the time, the buyer already knows the online store that they?re going to visit. So, why not make it easier for them to make a purchase? Gateway services make the transaction go smoothly and will ensure the money gets to where it?s going.

As you can see, there are a wide variety of benefits that come with using secure payment processing and credit card payment services. Comment below to share your reasons for using secure payment solutions.

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