In today’s world, we have the ability to be connected in ways we could never have imagined in years gone by. Not only the methods of our communication more advanced, they are far more effective in virtually every way. A unified mass notification system is a platform designed to deliver a message to a small or large group of people. If you are an employer who decides to put a mass notification system into place for your business, once you do, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without it.
There are many things that make a mass communication system appealing. For one thing, most systems are scalable. This means that your recipients can be a large group, a small group, or anything in between. You can mold your system to fit the potential audience. This can be extremely useful when considering the type of message you need to send and to whom. If you only want a few employees in on the conversation, you can make that happen. If you need to get to everyone on your list, you could use a mass text. It’s all up to you.
Something else that makes a mass notification system desirable is that you can compose your message in one format and have it sent out in multiple different formats at the same time. You have options. An employee alert can be sent out from your email and be brought up on an employee’s smartphone. A text message alert is by far the best way to send a message you’re almost sure will be read and responded to.
When it comes to cell phone usage, eight out of ten adults use text messaging service. It is by far the most common cell phone activity. Sending out a text message to an employee with a cell phone is an almost guaranteed hit. People read their text messages almost immediately after they receive them. In fact, 90% of the text messages that people receive get read in three minutes or less and on average they are read in under five seconds. Mass text messaging is a surefire way to keep all of your employees up to date and informed about anything you need them to know.
One other thing that is very attractive about a mass notification system is that many of them are cloud-based systems. This means that you can log in to your system from anywhere you can get access to the internet and send a message to as many or as few people as you need to.
You don’t have to think too far back to when mass communication systems were in their very rudimentary stages. People had to call into services that would relay messages second hand or worse. Today, in our cloud-based world of the internet, we can use a mass communication system to stay in touch with our employees anytime of the day or night.