Nearly 70% of consumers who responded to a recent poll indicated they will frequently or sometimes make shopping decisions while in the car. What sort of shopping decisions are these drivers making? Where they’ll do their shopping.
Over 70% of people will often look at the messages displayed on billboards. After seeing these messages, over 30% will visit the retailer whose message they saw. Signs can make a big impact on business’s bottom line. From attracting customers to increasing sales revenue, installing electronic signs for business can be one of the best and easiest marketing investments you make. Whether they’re a full color LED signs or simple outdoor LED displays, electronic signs for business offer bountiful rewards. Here are just a few:
They attract 35% more customers
Attracting customers has to be the number one priority of all businesses. From marketing campaigns and advertising to word-of-mouth and sales promotions, the effectiveness of your strategies to draw customers will largely determine the profitability of your business. You could, for instance, run a full-page newspaper ad each year. This requires designing the ad, paying the newspaper to run it (and hoping they have room to do so), then hoping the right people see the message and make the effort to locate you. You could run a newspaper add each year, or you could add an on-site sign. Research has shown that an-site signs have the same value as an annual, full-page newspaper ad.
If you think no one’s looking at your sign, think again: over 70% of people report often looking at roadside billboards while they drive. Nearly one-third of respondents said they visited a retailer after seeing its ad on a roadside sign.
Your sign does make a difference. And without electronic signs for business, businesses risk missing out valuable customers: Over one third (35% to be exact) of consumers have reported that they never would have discovered a business were it not for its sign. For Best Buy, their sign is what brings in 17% of their walk-in traffic.
They increase revenue by 7.7%
This has to be the other universal ambition of businesses. The only reason we strive for customers, after all, is customers mean sales and sales mean revenue. So what happens when your customers and sales numbers start to dwindle? Time to reevaluate your business model. It could be your product needs an upgrade or your price a downgrade. Or it could mean your commercial business signs need an upgrade.
Studies have demonstrated that changing an existing business sign or adding a new one can have a direct affect on sales revenue. How much of an effect? Well, according to one study, if you replace your current store front sign with larger electronic signs for business, you could see an increase in revenue of 7.7% on average. When you think about how easy it is to alter digital signs for business, this becomes a no brainer.
They save you time and money
In addition to saving you money on those pesky annual newspaper ads, electronic signs for business can save you money over their printed alternatives. Preparing a printed sign takes time and labor, and if there’s one thing time and labor equate to it’s money. To garner that 7.7% increase in sales revenue cited above with a printed sign, you’d have to design and manufacture a whole new one along with dismantling and taking down the sign you currently use.
With electric business signs, it’s a simple matter of altering the design in the computer and you’ve just changed your sign to increase your sales revenue. The same holds true any time you need to change your message. For instance, if your Spring sale is now a Summer sale, you’d have to throw out your old printed sign and pay for a new one to be printed and installed. With electronic signs for business, it’s just a few clicks of the mouse and you’ve got a Summer sale underway.
As you can imagine, this ease of alteration makes it easy to earn a nice return on investment on your electronic signs for business. Whatever your line of business, adding an electronic sign to your store could be the best investment you make.