Are you in the market for industrial steam cleaners? Maybe you own a commercial building and want the custodial crew to have the best equipment available, or maybe you run a car detailing business and want to set yourself apart from the competition. There are tons of reasons that industrial steam cleaners are great to have around. Here are just a few:
1. Steam Kills Germs! – One of the biggest benefits of using a steam cleaner is that it reduces the amount of germs by a lot! In fact, steam kills 99% of common household germs like salmonella, staph, dust mites and bedbugs. This is one of the main reasons that people schedule regular steam cleanings. There is something about knowing that those pesky germs and bacteria won’t have a home in your carpet. You probably can see now why so many commercial property owners know that industrial steam cleaners are a great investment.
2. No Mess – Another reason to love steam steam cleaning systems is that unlike other types of cleaning equipment there is hardly any mess. The steam cleaning systems eliminate chemical residues while sanitizing the surface being treated, and because so little water is used it’s virtually “mess free”. The same is true for industrial dry steamcleaners and for a newer technique using dry ice blasting.
3. Keep Your Customers Happy – As a business owner, keeping your customers happy is one of your top priorities. Cleanliness is a way to do this. Did you know that nearly 30% of respondents to a survey said they would never go back to a restaurant that had unsanitary bathrooms? More than likely if people feel like this about the restaurants they eat at they also feel this way about other places they visit like gyms, grocery stores, hotels, etc. Use industrial steamers to be confident that your customers will be pleased with your cleanliness and not think twice about coming back to your establishment.
Industrial steam cleaners are great pieces of equipment to have around. Not only do they kill germs and bacteria that could be hiding in your carpet, but they do so with little mess. They also help you keep your place of business clean which keeps your customers happy and coming back. No matter what type of business you run, it’s a win-win for you!