Donating used clothing donations or house appliances or even money is a great way to give back to your community and participate in helping families in need. The world we live in has become so consumed by itself, especially here in America. We are constantly thinking of the things we need and want and don’t really think about those that are truly in need. Charities have even made it extremely convenient to donate that involving purple heart charity pick up and other charities that will actually come to your house to pick up anything that you want to donate but we still have a hard time finding the time to do it.
Finding the Time
The first thing that needs to be addressed here is the time factor. Also purple heart charity pick up will come and get your items, you still need to get them together. So, when do you do it? Well, there’s a very simple way that you can find items to donate without having to set aside hours at a time. As you are going about your day to day life, surely, you will encounter items around your home that you never use anymore; the bread maker that hasn’t been used in years that you shove shove aside to get to the crock pot or the countless items of clothing that you don’t even like anymore. Keep a box in each room, labelled ‘donate.’ Then, as you come across these items, put them in the donate box. Even if it’s just one thing. This will add fractions of seconds to your time in that room. You might be surprised at how quickly the box will fill up. Once it’s full, schedule purple heart charity pick up to come and take them away.
Getting the Mindset
Many times, it’s not even that people don’t want to donate or are against it; they just simply forget. It’s not something that people think about often and if you aren’t in the habit of donating or even getting rid of stuff then it probably doesn’t even cross your mind. So, you find one shirt that still is in pretty good condition but doesn’t fit you anymore; either you throw it away, it turns into a scrap rag, you give it to a friend or you leave it in the closet. It’s just one shirt right? Well, you’ve got to start thinking about that one shirt within the big picture. If everyone donated one shirt, think about how many people could be clothed. Your contribution may seem small, but every little bit counts and that’s how you have to think. You are one brush stroke in the painting of life and everyone that comes together makes a beautiful piece of art that will change many people’s lives.
Knowing the Charity
This is probably where the most work will need to be done. If you do have a minute, look up some of the different charities that are available and determine which one best fits your views and vision so you know where you want to donate to. Keep in mind that not all charities will come and pick up your donations and you may have to take them to the drop off center depending what kind of charity you choose to donate to. For example, purple heart charity pick up is available but some will soley have a drop off donation center.
Donating is about more than just getting rid of your old stuff. While that can be a benefit, it’s really about the community effort that is raised in order to help those in need. Those in need are not just people in third world countries, they can be right here in our cities. The homeless, those living in poverty, veterans, domestic abuse victims, there are so many people out there who need our help. It may seem like a small deal but you will never know the great affects that your seemingly insignificant donations made to a person’s life. That could be the one thing that they needed to have in order to be able to start turning their life around for good, you just never know what kind of impact you will make.