The lift truck battery room is an area that sees everyday handling of batteries that weigh about 2,000 pounds each and contain highly dangerous chemicals. As a result, the Occupational Safety and Health Agency, better known as OSHA, has established a thorough list of safety regulations that each warehouse must follow in their battery rooms.
When OSHA violations can cost warehouses as much as $70,000 in fines, there is no excuse to not follow the agency’s regulations when monitoring battery room management — as the forklift battery washing and changing area is perhaps the most hazardous area of any warehouse.
Here are the three most important rules and regulations that OSHA has for optimal lift truck battery room safety:
Maintain battery room ventilation
Each forklift battery creates hydrogen gas when in use — and during any forklift battery washing or handling procedure, these gases escape into the air. In high enough concentrations, hydrogen gas can cause personnel to fall unconscious or even stop breathing — as it’s an asphyxiant. That’s why OSHA maintains strict battery room ventilation requirements to ensure proper air quality.
Enforce the wearing of personal protective equipment
The chemicals contained within a forklift battery are highly acidic and can be extremely dangerous to personnel if they come in direct contact with the skin, clothing or eyes. OSHA’s regulations state that all personnel must wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when in the battery room, such as gloves, goggles, aprons and steel-toed boots.
Install an eye wash station within every battery room
OSHA mandates that all battery rooms should have an eye wash station installed within a 10-second walking distance from wherever personnel handle forklift batteries. Eye wash stations should never be obstructed, and they should be well-maintained with regular cleanings and water flushings to keep out bacteria. When forklift battery safety precautions fail and chemicals get in personnel’s eyes, every second truly counts.
How do you maintain a safe, productive work environment for personnel during the forklift battery washing, maintenance and handling processes? Share with us by leaving a comment below. Find out more at this site. Read this website for more information.