Most small businesses can get about half of their local business just from the use of signs, so a business without one is making a huge advertising mistake. The thing is, it isn’t enough to just have a simple sign anymore. Signs need to be eye catching, be able to quickly convey a message, and be memorable. This isn’t always easy to do, but here are three tips to get you started.
1. Make it Noticeable.
If people can’t see the sign to being with it will be impossible for them to remember it. Business owners should think carefully about the traffic around their store — on foot and in vehicles — and think about where people are going to look. The signs should be installed in places where people typically look for signs, like projecting from the side of a business or a tall sign on the road (this might be something to talk over with a professional sign company). Size is important here too — an inch of letter height on a sign is equal to about 10 feet of viewing distance.
2. Be Original.
Almost every single business has some kind of sign, which means that business signs have a lot of competition to be recognized and remembered. An effective way to set a sign — and by extension the business itself — apart is to be as original as possible. Adding a clever pun or saying on the sign is a sure way to get people to notice and remember a sign (and chances are people will upload it to Facebook or Instagram).
3. But Keep it Simple.
These are both important tips for making a memorable small business sign, but there the most important thing to keep in mind is to keep it simple. A busy and chaotic business sign design is not something that people want to spend time looking at or remembering. Keeping the color schemes simple, the text readable, and a logo or image design simple are three easy ways to ensure that a small business sign isn’t unpleasant for people to look at.
Do you have any other tips for creating a memorable sign? Let us know in the comments!
Visit here for more: www.signdealz.com