If your business uses CNC machines for manufacturing, you know that it’s important for those machines to have the right parts. Without the right components, CNC presetter machines are unable to function properly and can’t handle high volume jobs. If you’re just getting to know about tool presetting machines, CNC tooling, and manufacturing, there is one part of these machines you’ll need to know about: the tool holder.
Tool holders do just what they sound like they do: they hold various cutting and boring tools in place in order to complete high volume, high velocity jobs for manufacturers. Tool holders sometimes include collets, chucks, and other inserts, which are similar in use to the chuck that holds a drill bit on a drill. ER collets are one of the more common types of collets used in CNC machines. Because CNC tooling is automated, tool holders need to stay in working order, so tapping tools, boring heads, and other cutting tools don’t become loose in the machine.
One thing that all tool holding equipment should do is provide an easy way to customize their accessories. You should be able to swap parts out of a tool holder with ease. Tool holders are typically measured by RPM because velocity is important, so make sure that the tool and its collet are compatible. Another component of a tool holder is the coolant; due to the high heat of machine tools, items must be cooled to avoid overheating and malfunctioning.
If you have questions on tool holding equipment for your CNC tooling needs, be sure to contact a manufacturer who offers high quality machine tools. Because machine tooling manufacturers cater to machine shops and factories, you should be able to work with a company to get your business the exact equipment that it requires. If you have any general inquiries, be sure to leave them below.