The United States is currently in a transitioning period toward using more renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. As a result, the millions of American households that still use traditional energy from gas and electric providers are seeing a steady increase in their monthly utility bills.
If you are one of these people, don’t worry — there are a number of easy (and cheap!) ways you can reduce your energy usage and save money on electricity and gas each month.
Here are the top four ways in which you can easily save money on electricity:
1. Switch out your bulbs: If you haven’t yet changed the lightbulbs in your house to high-efficiency bulbs, now is the best time to do it. High-efficiency bulbs are inexpensive, use less energy and last longer than traditional bulbs — it’s one of the easiest ways to save money on electricity.
2. Shut the blinds: During the hot summer months, a great way to reduce the amount of air conditioning you need is closing the blinds while you’re away. This reduces the amount of heat that can enter your house and lets you save money on electricity.
3. Unplug it: In many cases, your household appliances and devices continue to use energy even when they are switched off. By unplugging your TV, phone chargers, computers and other things that don’t need to be plugged in when not in use, you can save money on electricity significantly.
4. Switch electricity providers: The cheapest electricity supplier might not be the one from which you currently get your energy. There are several different sites on the web that allow you to compare utility providers in your area; from there, you can choose the least-expensive option and possibly save money on electricity by the thousands in the long run.