It seems that news about storage tank leaks pop up more often than they used to. Various locales suffer damage to their ecosystems and economies, when many of these incidents could be prevented by adhering to API 650 and 653 inspection standards. These underscore the importance of knowing what your api tank needs are and…
Silicosis is a Chronic Lung Disease Caused by Some Unsafe Work Conditions
More than 1 million American workers are at risk of developing silicosis, a chronic lung disease that is caused by breathing in even the tiniest bits of silica dust. Silica, the second most common mineral in the earth’s crust, is a major component of sand, rock, and mineral ores like quartz. People working in jobs…
When Finding New Office Space, You Can Change a Lot
Finding office space for rent can be a daunting task. Whether you’ve recently started a business, or are just looking to expand your current business space, it can be hard to find office space that meets all of your needs. So before you rent office space, consider these factors it will bring to your business:…
The Times May Be a-Changing, But Advertising Tactics Haven’t
Back in 1964, the world renowned activist-slash-musician penned his still famous The Times Are a-Chagin’ much to the agreement of the American population at that time, who after experiencing a series of consecutive revolutionary events, where shocked to discover — or realize — the direction their beloved country was going in. Well, not much has…
x Reasons Why E-Commece Needs to Upgrade Its Payment Process
Chargeback is the antithesis to profit. Banks are more focused on keeping their cardholders happy, so even if the merchant is not literally at fault, they must shoulder the brunt of the cost of fees and liabilities such as lost merchandise. It’s especially difficult in ecommerce. Here’s Why. Credit Card Fraud While we want to…
3 Ways a Brand Development Firm Can Boost Your Financial Institution
The banking industry has seen a massive change in the last decade. More and more people have become inclined towards using the internet for their financial transactions and decision-making. The world has taken a turn towards mobility with 80% of internet-using adults owning smartphone devices, and social networks have started playing a crucial role in…