Back in 1964, the world renowned activist-slash-musician penned his still famous The Times Are a-Chagin’ much to the agreement of the American population at that time, who after experiencing a series of consecutive revolutionary events, where shocked to discover — or realize — the direction their beloved country was going in. Well, not much has…
x Reasons Why E-Commece Needs to Upgrade Its Payment Process
Chargeback is the antithesis to profit. Banks are more focused on keeping their cardholders happy, so even if the merchant is not literally at fault, they must shoulder the brunt of the cost of fees and liabilities such as lost merchandise. It’s especially difficult in ecommerce. Here’s Why. Credit Card Fraud While we want to…
3 Ways a Brand Development Firm Can Boost Your Financial Institution
The banking industry has seen a massive change in the last decade. More and more people have become inclined towards using the internet for their financial transactions and decision-making. The world has taken a turn towards mobility with 80% of internet-using adults owning smartphone devices, and social networks have started playing a crucial role in…
Three Dynamic Packaging Solutions for Your Products
There are thousands of products in stores, all vying for the customer’s attention. How do you get your product to stand out, and more importantly, how do you convince the customer your product is the best one for them? Believe it or not, the right product packaging can make a difference in a customer’s initial…
How Drilling Has Bored Its Way Into Our Lives
Drilling isn’t exactly a topic that everyone shares common knowledge on. For many, drilling is a distant and evil Texan scheme, operated by a fat man with an iron belt buckle, a cowboy hat, and a handlebar mustache who is laughing maniacally in his tower of wealth as we speak. But whether we care to…
You Are Most Likely 10 Miles Away From This
Did you know that more than 50% of Americans live within 10 miles of a local brewery? Did you also know that there are more than 3,000 breweries in the United States today? Brewing beer didn’t originate in the U.S. but ever since the Pilgrims made their way to Plymouth Rock, Americans have always had…