Are you the owner of a small or medium sized business who is looking for a loan? If so you ought to know about the benefits of working capital business loans. It could be exactly what you need! There are dozens of reasons that small business owners choose working capital loans; below are just a…
Don’t Let It Happen to Your Home
Think for a second: do you know how old your sewer is? When is the last time you had a drain cleaning? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, then your home could be at risk. Sewers that are 40 years old or more are at high risk for breaking and might need…
$40 Billion in Losses Every Year Due to Botched Customer Service Opportunities
The solution to consistently positive customer service may be more within reach than many businesses think; to put it simply, customers consistently report that they want to talk to a live person when they make a business phone call. About 80% of customers say that they would prefer to have a phone conversation rather than…
How Plastic Injection Molding Manufacturers Are Helping Surgeons
Plastic injection molding manufacturers are able to bring their clients consistent products that are used in a variety of industries from pharmaceutical applications to food storage. In total, plastic injection molding manufacturers contribute to a multi-billion dollar industry; plastics manufacturers shipped nearly $373 billion in goods in 2012. As of 2013, the injection molding and…
Don’t Buy A Crane Pad Without Knowing These Tips First
When doing maintenance on your car or RV it’s necessary to pick out a properly made crane mat to provide stability while you work. Outrigger crane pads are designed to be both strong and flexible, providing an even environment for you to work. Many people are still in the dark when it comes to picking…
5 Quick Ways To Make Your Business’s Payment System More Secure
Keep your credit card payment system secure isn’t the easiest task to manage, especially if your business operates primarily through internet sales. However, secure payment processing systems are absolutely essential for any business that wants to sell its products and services online — not only because your customers deserve the safety and protection, but also…