Nearly 6 in 10 employers view employee retention as a problem, and it’s easy to see why: when an employee leaves a company, it can cost their employer over 150% of the employee’s original salary in lost revenue, interviewing, and training of a replacement. Not all employers immediately consider temp agencies when looking to fill…
Why Builders Have Used and Valued Marble for Thousands of Years
Marble has been valued for its beauty and used around the world for important buildings for thousands of years. From the palazzos of Venice to the Taj Mahal, it stands for beauty, elegance, and craftsmanship. And yet this luxury material is also surprisingly practical, and environmentally friendly. As a natural stone, marble is a sustainable…
Spending a Weekend Both Working and Playing Is a Great Family Bonding Approach
You feel very good about how the weekend went. In addition to enjoying some time on the golf course with the whole family, you also spend some time cleaning out bedroom closets and dressers, as well as kitchen cupboards and drawers. Everyone in the family enjoyed the golf game, and while cleaning and sorting is…
The Benefits of Using a Direct Mailing Service
One of the most difficult industries to work in is the advertising and marketing industry. This is because this industry changes so often that those working within must scramble to meet new schemes and trends. Thus, it is important that businesses hire talented advertisement workers to understand the benefits of a direct mailing service. The…
The Importance Of Safety Technician Jobs In the United States
From environmental health jobs to EHS director jobs, safety technician jobs are hugely important in many facets of the American experience. Safety technician jobs not only help to keep us safe in the moment, but are looking to further out safety in the future as well. Without such jobs as the occupational safety consultant, it…
What is a Centrifugal Air Blower?
Mechanical machinery and technical processes often require the continuous movement of air, most of which ensures that air flow is unimpeded so surfaces stay clean while optimizing aerodynamics and cleanliness. Centrifugal air blowers are one of the most popular options for the movement of air within mechanical equipment. The housing within a centrifugal air blower…