In 2016, homes and businesses in the U.S. combined to use nearly 1 trillion BTUs of energy. Most of that energy is used for heating and cooling, especially when it comes to homes. The Department of Energy estimates that 56% of the energy used in homes is for heating and cooling. Making energy improvements to…
When Was the Last Time That You Made a Donation to Others in Need?
Another winter weekend when it is too cold, too icy, and too windy to go outside. After weekend after weekend of weather that is keeping you inside more than you want, you finally decided that you needed to do something productive. In hopes of the weather changing soon you told your family that for Sunday…
The Power Of The GPS How Companies Are Saving Money With The Aid Of Tracking Systems
The GPS isn’t just used for simple directions. It’s a viable way to help your business save money in the long-term. Saving on costs without sacrificing quality is the goal of any brand, irregardless of industry or size. A little saved here is a little you can put toward marketing. A little saved there can…
Taking A Look Into The Workforce Of The United States
Here in the United States, job retention has become a considerable problem throughout the workforce as a whole. There is simply no denying this fact, as now up to 57% of all organizations in this country alone have said that they now view job retention rates as a considerable problem. In addition to this, up…
4 Facts about Tea Farms
Many people have specific reasons for purchasing their tea of choice, although those reasons vary greatly among individuals. Some prefer a specific color, such as black with accounts for a little more than 75% of all tea consumed internationally, or green which accounts for 20% of all tea consumed. Some choose a specific brand because…
How Hazmat Certifications Can Help Your Transportation Business
For people who provide trucking services, one of the most important services that can definitely come in handy for a lot of businesses is handling and removal of waste. Waste material needs to be disposed of in a particular manner and there are a number of rules and revisions governing this, both on the state…