When Is the Last Time You Had a Stack Column Inspection?

Chimney maintenance, especially within the industrial industry, is important. This is expressly true when your building has stack columns. Can you remember the last time you had a stack column inspection? An industrial chimney company can ensure that you have industrial stack inspections scheduled to keep your industrial chimney stacks safe year-round.
New stacks need to be accessed as well as inspected 12 months after they have entered service to ensure the anticipated performance under load is safe. A stack column inspection should always be done by an industrial chimney contractor. This type of inspection is rather dangerous and has health hazards that the experts are aware of and can avoid by using their special training.
What Does a Stack Column Inspection Include?
A stack column inspection includes different kinds of inspections that should be performed throughout the year. Smokestacks need to be checked to ensure they are functioning properly so you are keeping your employees, building and surrounding community safe. A binocular stack column inspection should be scheduled once a year. A full height exterior and interior inspection needs to be accomplished every three years. This ensures proper airflow and safety for smokestacks.
Regular Industrial Chimney Maintenance Helps Avoid Costly Repairs
Regular maintenance for industrial stacks starts with an industrial stack inspection. Having your stacks inspected can point out any potential problems before they become serious and costly. This should be a safety precaution you have in place for your company. All it takes is partnering with an experienced industrial chimney contractor ready to provide trusted and reliable services.
Schedule an Inspection Immediately
If you are not sure how long it has been since your have had a stack inspection, you should schedule one immediately. Ask for all three parts of the inspection to be completed. Expert chimney techs will check your smokestacks for signs of damage, leaks, wear, cracks and blockages. It would be nearly impossible to detect serious deficiencies without the services offered by a professional chimney company.
Do not leave any smokestacks untreated if blockages, small cracks or any other type of damage has been found. Any type of damage can lead to tremendous problems later. Defects that have not been fixed in the lining of a smokestack increase the chances of a fire due to the intense heat a smokestack can produce. The heat produced will be able to reach combustible parts of a building too, putting your business and employees at further risk.
Whenever there is any doubt about damages, have them fixed. Blockages can be a rather large problem too. They need to be swept out properly so they do not continue to get bigger and reduce air flow. Ash and smoke particles are more likely to contaminate air flow within a building too and also increase the chances of starting a fire.
Have a Cleaning Scheduled After a Stack Inspection
Once you have had a stack inspection it is important that you have the chimney cleaned. This needs to be a full-service chimney cleaning if inspection reports require it. If you have been scheduled inspections regularly you may not need a chimney cleaning until it is necessary which is every 6 to 24 months. Of course, this all depends on how often the stacks are used. Industrial chimney techs will be able to inform you of the proper time for cleaning if needed before it’s time.