If you’re undertaking a housing project or looking to renovate your home, consider using spray foam insulation. It’s more affordable and widely used. It also has a longer lifespan, besides the fact that it’s eco-friendly.
Do your research to decide whether to purchase a slow-rise foam insulation kit or a slow-rise spray foam kit. You can buy both from your local hardware shop or online. An expert in spray foam insulation can advise you on how much spray foam you should buy based on the surface you need to insulate.
Alternatively, ask your contractor to advise you on the best application between spray foam and blown-in insulation. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but the most appropriate depends on your needs, although you can apply both to different sections of your house.
Purchasing the correct spray foam might be a bit confusing if you don’t have the requisite expertise. Consult your contractor for advice on the spray foam insulation specification you should purchase to make sure you have the right one.
The most significant advantage of spray foam insulation is the reduction of allergens in a home, improving the air you breathe. It also helps with noise reduction and offers comfort by regulating your home’s temperature.
It’s time to insulate your house because you 1. want to ensure that your home is protected inside and out and 2. are sick and tired of the energy loss. As a result, you might pick up the spray foam gun and some spray foam insulation products so that you can get started on your next home project – one that is going to make all the difference when it comes to insulating your home to standard. Open cell spray foam and closed cell spray foam kits are available for any project. Today we want to look at the reasons why spray foam is the best product that you can use for insulation in your home.
Heating and Cooling and Its Importance in Your Home
Heating and cooling is something that many individuals do not give a second thought to, until you find out that your house is not heated and cooled to full capacity. The Department of Energy has stated that approximately 56% of the energy that is used in homes is for heating and cooling. Another thing that many homeowners should know is that, according to the EPA, adding insulation and properly sealing any air leaks in a home can actually slash monthly energy bills by up to 20%. About 40% of the energy that is lost in a building is lost due to poor air filtration.
The Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation
If you are choosing foam that you can shoot from a spray foam gun, open-cell being the cheapest, you might want to know what benefits it brings in your home.
Reducing Noise: You might have been surprised that, after you moved into your home, your neighbors around you aren’t as quiet as you would have liked them to be. Open cell spray foam has the ability to reduce the noise that you are hearing in your home. This type of insulation, in fact, is best for reducing noise than any other type of insulation on the market and you will be happy with the results.
Reducing Allergens: Allergens can come right through the walls, especially when you do not have spray foam to protect it. Foam reaches all of the cracks that might be in your home, which means that there is no way that allergens can come through. This will protect your home – and you – from the allergens that leave you feeling worse every year.
Increasing Sturdiness of Walls: Closed cell foam becomes hard, which can actually act in a way that strengthens the walls in your home. This means that, if you experience a lot of storms and other adverse weather conditions, this type of insulation will help you significantly.
Long-Lasting: Most types of insulation are not long-lasting in nature, but spray foams are meant to last.
Is Spray Foam Insulation Right For You?
Now that you know a little more about spray foam insulation and the use of a spray foam gun, do you think that it might be right for your next home project? If you want to choose the best insulation for noise reduction, allergy reduction, and strengthening of your home, this option is best. Remember this when you are working on your next insulating project!