When Was the Last Time That You Printed New Signs for Your Business?

Professionally finished products make a difference, especially when it comes to open house signs, political yard signs, and other kinds of visual aids that are used for businesses of all size. While there are times when a sandwich board and hand lettering serve a purpose, there are many times when professionally finished products are worth the investment. Whether you are looking for custom real estate signs for a new round of listings this spring or you are in need of professionally designed golf signs and banners for a fundraising event, it is important that you work with a company that is known for meeting deadlines and providing quality, accurate results.
Professional Advertising Displays Produce the Best Results
The best promotional items incorporate clean design, the right size type, and any other necessary information. While some people print professional signs every time they have an event, there are others who invest their funds on less specific signs that can used one year after the next. From very specific real estate yard signs to more generic overall signs that can be pulled out on many different occasions, it is almost always in your best interest to pay for the most professional signs that you can afford.
Not surprising, as many as 85% of people surveyed indicated that they agreed or strongly agreed that signs can help convey the personality or character of the business. If you have a poorly produced sign, therefore, you may not be sending the right kind of message to your current and potential future customers.
And while there are some products that can sell themselves, it is important to note that several studies, including one from Brigham Young University, indicated that merchandise with a sign outsold merchandise without a sign by as much as 20%. When you are looking for a way to increase the foot traffic into your business it is also important to note that a sign that is well-placed can expose local consumers to a brand as many as 50 to 60 times every month. In fact, some research indicates that as many as 50% of all the customers who enter a business did so because of signage.
If you are looking for a way to make sure that you are getting the amount of business that you want, you might consider adding a new professionally designed sign to the front of your store.