Are You Looking for the Best Charities to Donate to? The Military Order of the Purple Heart Accepts Clothing Donations

Helping disabled veterans

Many Americans believe in making charitable donations. This is because they value being of benefit to others by supporting their personal social, and environmental causes. While some people may make charitable donations throughout the year, others are more inclined to do so during the holiday season. A recent survey showed, for example, that 43% of its participants donated more during the holidays. Another 44.4% indicated that they gave “about the same.”

One of the ways in which people can and do make a difference in their communities is through donating clothing and household textiles. Almost 70 pounds of clothing, linens, and other types of textiles are thrown away every year by the average American. Even though this amounts to about 10.5 million tons on an annual basis, it’s important to note that 4.7 billion pounds are donated to charitable organizations.

When clothing and household textiles are donated or recycled, they don’t end up in the country’s already over-burdened landfills. Recent figures indicate that five percent of municipal waste consists of textiles. While just 15% of clothing is donated or recycled every year, 45% of these items could be worn again. The quality and condition of clothing and household textiles doesn’t matter, either. Nearly all of these materials can be used for another purpose, which does include wearing or using them again.

When you want to help your community and those in need, it’s important to choose the best charities to donate to. Have you heard of wounded veterans charities such as The Military Order of the Purple Heart? This organization provides assistance to military families and others in need. Purple Heart donations also help to fund a variety of programs for wounded veterans. The best charities to donate to include those that are concerned about the well-being of those individuals that have served their country, their community, and the environment.

If you have used clothing donations, you can have them picked up at your home or take them to a local drop-off location. GreenDrop provides a donation pick-up service on behalf of wounded veterans charities. Once you collect the items that you would like to donate, all you have to do is call to schedule a pick-up,. You can also bring your donations to a local drop-off location when it is more convenient for you.

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