When shipping something using air and ocean cargo, start by contacting a purchasing agent. What is a purchasing agent? A purchasing agent is someone who navigates the air and ocean logistics so your products arrive on-time with minimal damage. They can offer solutions to your shipping problems, manage door to door service, and maneuver through the international shipping industry with ease.
The cargo industry generated an estimated $75.4 billion in revenue in 2013. Cargo planes are dedicated to shipping only cargo both domestically and internationally. Cargo only airplanes are handle and estimated 60% of air freight around the world, according to Boeing, a world-wide maker of aircraft. You don’t want to try to manage an industry that large without. Where would you even begin without some professional back-up? You will need a certified purchasing agent to help navigate the business and logistics associated with air and ocean shipping. Save everyone some time and frustration by contacting the professionals, instead of trying to do it yourself.
Air cargo services manage cargo, information, and people in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner. Door to door transport minimizes damage to your goods, resulting in the highest quality deliverables possible. Fewer stops means less time wasted, less gas and energy wasted, and less potential damage to your cargo. whether domestically or internationally, by air or by ocean, your product can be shipped to its destination. All made possible by a talented purchasing agent.
Shipping to South America? There’s an international purchasing agent for that. Shipping domestically? There’s a certified purchasing agent that can help you. Shipping food like meats or chocolates? A purchasing agent can point you in the right direction for some insulated boxes and dry ice. Wondering what is a purchasing agent? Contact a cargo company for help. A purchasing agent can come up with solutions to your problems.
Whether you are interested in shipping products or are interested in what is a purchasing agent, the best place to start is a certified purchasing agent who can help you navigate the logistics of the air and ocean shipping world. Contact a purchasing agent in the USA today. If you are interested in becoming a purchasing agent yourself, look into certification programs and classes. A professional purchasing agent will be able to help you get started.