Have you thought about switching up your career path? Maybe you just want to pick up a side gig that brings in a little bit more money every month. There are plenty of ways you can earn some extra income each year. First, you just need to do your research to decide what you want to do, what it takes to pick up the side job and how much time and effort you want to invest in the new venture. Whether you just want to passively invest your income in something like stocks or real estate or you want to put in a little more effort and become a type of consultant, there are plenty of options.
Interested in learning more about consultants and what type of potential job you could have as a consultant? Keep reading to learn how real estate consultants are needed throughout the United States and why this would be a great opportunity to jump at given the increasing real estate investment opportunities.
In the real estate industry, consultants can be used to help when deciding whether or not to make a purchase or whether or not to make an investment. In this day and age, people are turning towards passive forms of income left and right. There is no reason to quit your day job if you can simply invest part of your monthly income every month and turn a profit. Keeping that in mind, it explains why there is an increasing need for consultants today.
Better Homes and Gardens recently released statistics from a survey they took that back up the belief that real estate investing is so popular today. According to their survey, 89 percent of those living in the United States and who are interested in investing would choose real estate as the industry to invest in. On top of that, for those who have already invested in real estate, 96 percent believe it was a financially beneficial decision that they made.
So, why would turning toward real estate consulting be beneficial for you?
Well, there are plenty of niches within the real estate industry that are currently booming in demand. One of the main areas in real estate in which demand is high is student housing. For example, by the year 2025, there is expected to be 19.8 million students in the United States who are enrolling in higher education, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. That means, there is going to be a huge increase in the need for student housing throughout the next decade.
Additionally, this explains why real estate investment opportunities, specifically in student housing, are more dependable. The demand will not start to decrease. Instead, we can see an increase in demand for student housing over the years. First time investors usually want to make a sound decision that will result in an increase in money rather than anything too risky. One of the first places first time investors turn is real estate, more specifically student housing. In fact, in 2016 34 percent of student housing transactions were from first time investors.
Keeping that in mind, this shows where you could start if you are interested in picking up consulting on the side or as a new full time job. The student housing real estate market is reliable and a good place for you to start as a consultant, as well as a good place for first time investors to start investing. As you get started, you can continue to research and study and decide if being a consultant is the right choice for you. You won?t have to worry about whether or not there will be enough consulting opportunities or whether or not consultants won?t be needed in the future. Statistics show that student housing demands will be around for awhile making both investors and consultants needed in high demand.
Have you ever thought about a career change before? Are you interested in becoming a consultant or learning more about the real estate industry? Let us know in the comments about your thoughts on consulting opportunities.