The world is growing increasingly connected. The internet changed the way that people can interact with one another, and who you can interact with. Many have friends all across the world that they met online and found similar interests with, friends that they have not and may never see.
But what does this mean for business and sales representatives?
As the world grows increasingly connected, sales reps, especially those in B2B sales (business to business), have to adapt and evolve with it. Social Media has taken the world as one of the largest ways to communicate with individuals, nearly all information can be obtained online, and marketing has had to change with that.
It’s because of these facts that traditional selling methods just aren’t as effective as they used to be, and many sales consulting services know that, they’ll likely tell you that. That’s where social selling comes in.
When it comes to lead generation, it’s become obvious that things like phone calls and emails are not as effective as they used to be. If you’re building a sales organization, and want it to be a successful one, you have to look at the bigger picture.
The younger generation, Generation Y, will be entering the workforce in mass soon. They will amount to over 75% of all working individuals by 2025. They’re the technology generation, the ones that grew up with the internet and Social Media. If you don’t adapt, you’re going to struggle.
So, how do you adapt?
B2B sales involves a lot of communication and relationship building, and networking is the key to success in today’s world. If you want to be successful, you need to encourage your sales reps to network and connect. Use social media to reach audiences. Frequent interaction creates brand awareness, and good interaction can lead to brand loyalty.
Keep recommendations and peer review in mind. Social Media means everyone can hear about your business or your product easily, so if one individual has a bad experience, they can take it to the Social Media stage for millions to potentially see. But, this also could have the opposite effect. Networking and connections could lead to positive reviews and recommendations, driving more business to you.
If a person with 100,000 Social Media followers likes your sales rep, they might endorse them online. That’s a good thing for you.
Social Media also gives the ability to communicate with other professionals. Nearly 90% of C-level executives say they don’t answer emails or calls, or outright avoid sales reps. That’s business you’re losing.
But if a sales rep engages, without the context of B2B sales, that same rep on the social stage? To talk about topics they both may be interested in, whether that be the impact of outsourced sales forces, their best golf run, or even the weather? That builds connections.
They may be more likely to pick up that phone.
So keep Social Media in mind, and Social Selling. Even if it’s not using the company logo, encourage your employees to improve and connect.
It’s a positive experience for both of you.