“Sometimes when I ask my IT guy a question, he Googles how to solve the problem. I mean, look dude, all I want to do is put up an out-of-office message,” exclaimed one employee about her experience with IT at her company. If your IT guys primary source of education is Google, you might have an issue. The IT consulting industry employs more than 1.8 million people in the United States. It’s time to get one of those people on your side.
So maybe your IT guy didn’t go to a digital marketing institute. That’s fine. But does he have a true grasp of website functionality and information technology? If you have one of your jazziest associates writing brilliant copy for the blog feature on your website, what good is it without the right striation to draw people in? The best part of about hiring out for IT professional services is that your IT guy is no longer a beloved person of your office, but a person you can really hold accountable for getting things done.
Every day, more than 100 billion searches are done on search engines like Google and Yahoo. SEO for local businesses is particularly important because you want to pop up in some of these searches! When the woman in Long Island needs a new maid, you need to respond to her “clean my studio without steeling” google search. Nearly 83% of people out there utilize search engines and the other 17% are probably lying or confused.
Marketing Sherpa says that a website that offers content marketing can grow revenue by 40%. Many web design packages offer an easy plug in for blog options. Even if your IT guy didn’t attend some digital marketing institute or have a digital marketing certification, he should understand that. The road to success is paved with confusing acronyms like SEO, RIO and SEM. Jump in or get left behind! Read more about this topic at this link.